Yammer to Hipchat

So I’m at least two years behind blogging about various projects, but I have the list right here. I feel like being productive tonight but am not quite ready to start the next big feature so I thought I’d mention one on that list.

For a variety of reasons, I was trying to get everyone to migrate from Yammer to Hipchat a few years back. They aren’t exactly direct competitors, but I liked the more direct Hipchat model and didn’t want to be running two distracting things all the time. The main holdout was that Yammer tended to be used for communicating to the whole company as it’s model is better suited to that.

I quickly made yam2hip to sync them over to my new client of choice. It’s made to deploy to Heroku. Every 90 seconds it will look for new Yammer messages and post them in a Hipchat room. I made a Hipchat room called “Yammer” to be the target room.

If people would have continued to use both, I probably would have made it bi-directional; however, we are now quite happily all on Hipchat (boom).


Copyright © 2017 Brian Leonard